International Back to Back Wool Challenge.
Promoting Wool World Wide & Fund Raising for Cancer Research
An annual event that challenges teams of wool crafters around the globe to create a jumper directly from a sheep's back to a human's back.
Each team consists of a blade shearer, a country-of-origin sheep and seven hand spinners (with spinning wheels) and knitters who follow the identical challenge rules and pattern to knit the adult size jumper.
Results from the 28th Back to Back Challenge in 2024 are:
First: San Diego County Spinners, Bonita, California, USA. 7 hours 16 minutes 49 seconds. New USA Record.
Second: PolyWesters, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. 8 hours 21 minutes 20 seconds. Record for competing for the past 20 years.
Third: Mainely Spinners, Bangor, Maine, USA. 10 hours 36 minutes 33 seconds.
Cotswold Woolgatherers, Stroud, Glostershire, UK. 11hr 17min 00sec
Letzebuerg, Schimpach, Luxembourg. 11hr 54min 37sec New Team
Koorooman Sapphire Ewes, Warncoort Victoria Australia. 12hr 44min 22sec New Team
The Granite Web Makers, Bangor, New Hampshire, USA 13hr 46min 00sec
Polwarth Put The Kettle On, Warncoort Victoria Australia. 13hr 58min 41sec New Team
Sisters In Stitches, Warncoort, Victoria Australia. 16hr 58min 46sec New Team
Scottish Wool Centre Trophy - for the winning team world wide. San Diego County Spinners, Bonita, California, .USA
Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Ltd Trophy - for the winning Canadian team. Poly Westers, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.
City of Geelong Trophy - for the winning Australian team. Koorooman Sapphire Ewes.
Shipway Trophy - for the winning New South Wales (Australia) team. Not awarded
Brigadoon Trophy - for the greatest donation to Cancer Research by a Group associated with an International Wool Challenge. TBA
Entries are now open for teams to take part in the 28th International Back to Back Wool Challenge - to be held by 30 June 2024.
For informtation on taking part and rules, team submissions and general point of contact: International Coordinator, Wendy Dennis - wendy@tarndie.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/woolbacktoback/